Before I retired I was a Senior Lecturer in Physiotherapy.  I had a history of neck and upper back pain. Over a considerable number of years I also experienced infrequent bouts of extreme dizziness with vomiting, which normally did not last more than a couple of hours. About three years ago the bouts increased in frequency and became at times embarrassing. I had various inconclusive tests, and in my own mind, linked the neck and shoulder problems with the dizziness. Since I had previously found deep massage helpful with the neck pain, I went to the Wellness Clinic to try out Tui Na with Shaun Walker. I have had one massage every month since and have had no further problems with pain or dizziness. I want to register my appreciation of Shaun Walker, who has good understanding of anatomy and is very effective as a practitioner. I consider that my present state of health and levels of activity owe a lot to his knowledge and expertise. JC

Hi Shaun, just wanted to thank you so much for the treatment you gave on my back and shoulders ... slept soundly for the first time in months pain free. Brilliant! JB

Simply Brilliant. I suffered from an acute lower back injury sustained playing football. I tried everything including acupuncture and anti inflammatories and was beginning to think there wasn't a cure. After my first Tui Na session i noticed an amazing response. Now my back is cured i go back every 2 to 3 weeks to keep my muscles relaxed. Shaun has been truly amazing in my recovery. Thank you very much. EC

'Having Tui Na with Shaun is very beneficial especially for easing stiffness, gaining greater mobility and relaxation. Shaun is also caring with a sense of humour and always makes me feel better, both in mind and body' AMF

I have suffered from chronic lower back ache for over 20 years, with no identified cause & no improvement with chiropractic treatments. A couple of years ago I had a postural assessment which identified a number of issues including pelvic rotation, rounded shoulder, imbalances in muscle bulk & flexibility, between the left & right sides of my body. I focused on building up core strength & improving my posture, flexibility & alignment through Pilates, and started to make a little progress. 7 months ago I discovered Tui Na. The first session was hard going as it identified & lot of issues & tight muscles. I believed that a therapy of this type which focussed on releasing tight muscles & improving flexibility would complement Pilates & Stretch Classes.  So, I committed to a 1 hour treatment every 4 weeks. For the first time in 20 years, I feel a significant improvement in my lower back & will continue to enjoy the benefits of Tui on a monthly basis indefinitely. I highly recommend it to anyone who will listen! LC

To whom it may concern,

I have known Shaun Alexander Walker (BSc Hons, Tui Na Cert China) in a professional manner for over eighteen months during which time he has treated myself for lower back spasms caused from trapped nerves in my back at levels L3, L4, L5. I have undergone 3 major back surgeries over a period of 25 years and have tried many many remedies to offer relief but none as effective as Shaun's Tui Na massage treatments. During my visits to Shaun he has always been prompt, professional, polite, reliable and very accommodating. Shaun has made special journeys from his home town of York to Northallerton some 30 plus miles just to make himself available out of hours and apply his Tui Na massage technique to my lower back spasms on many occasions, which has helped me considerably.

I find Shaun's Tui Na deep tissue massage very intense to start with at the beginning of the sessions but by the end very soothing and relaxing. I have never had a massage from anyone else that seems to penetrate as deep into my muscles and offer such relief from the pain of my back condition.

I continue to use Shaun's services to "keep my back right" and the muscles in the correct alignment. Shaun has developed a maintenance programme personalised to myself, which he carries out on a regular basis and this has given me the capacity to continue working as normal.

I have recommended Shaun to both female and male friends who have also gained significant improvements with their ailments and for this reason I would have no hesitation in recommending Shaun to anyone who has the need for his deep tissue massage treatment.

If you require any further endorsements, please do not hesitate to contact myself (through Shaun) and I would be happy to oblige.

Yours Sincerely


Before I retired I was a Senior Lecturer in Physiotherapy.  I had a history of neck and upper back pain. Over a considerable number of years I also experienced infrequent bouts of extreme dizziness with vomiting, which normally did not last more than a couple of hours. About three years ago the bouts increased in frequency and became at times embarrassing. I had various inconclusive tests, and in my own mind, linked the neck and shoulder problems with the dizziness. Since I had previously found deep massage helpful with the neck pain, I went to the Wellness Clinic to try out Tui Na with Shaun Walker. I have had one massage every month since and have had no further problems with pain or dizziness. I want to register my appreciation of Shaun Walker, who has good understanding of anatomy and is very effective as a practitioner. I consider that my present state of health and levels of activity owe a lot to his knowledge and expertise. JC

Simply Brilliant. I suffered from an acute lower back injury sustained playing football. I tried everything including acupuncture and anti inflammatories and was beginning to think there wasn't a cure. After my first Tui Na session i noticed an amazing response.

Now my back is cured i go back every 2 to 3 weeks to keep my muscles relaxed.

Shaun has been truly amazing in my recovery. Thank you very much. EC

Hi Shaun, just wanted to thank you so much for the treatment you gave on my back and shoulders ... slept soundly for the first time in months pain free. Brilliant! JB

'Having Tui Na with Shaun is very beneficial especially for easing stiffness, gaining greater mobility and relaxation. Shaun is also caring with a sense of humour and always makes me feel better, both in mind and body' AMF   

I have suffered from chronic lower back ache for over 20 years, with no identified cause & no improvement with chiropractic treatments. A couple of years ago I had a postural assessment which identified a number of issues including pelvic rotation, rounded shoulder, imbalances in muscle bulk & flexibility, between the left & right sides of my body. I focused on building up core strength & improving my posture, flexibility & alignment through Pilates, and started to make a little progress. 7 months ago I discovered Tui Na. The first session was hard going as it identified & lot of issues & tight muscles. I believed that a therapy of this type which focussed on releasing tight muscles & improving flexibility would complement Pilates & Stretch Classes.  So, I committed to a 1 hour treatment every 4 weeks. For the first time in 20 years, I feel a significant improvement in my lower back & will continue to enjoy the benefits of Tui on a monthly basis indefinitely. I highly recommend it to anyone who will listen! LC

To whom it may concern,

I have known Shaun Alexander Walker (BSc Hons, Tui Na Cert China) in a professional manner for over eighteen months during which time he has treated myself for lower back spasms caused from trapped nerves in my back at levels L3, L4, L5. I have undergone 3 major back surgeries over a period of 25 years and have tried many many remedies to offer relief but none as effective as Shaun's Tui Na massage treatments. During my visits to Shaun he has always been prompt, professional, polite, reliable and very accommodating. Shaun has made special journeys from his home town of York to Northallerton some 30 plus miles just to make himself available out of hours and apply his Tui Na massage technique to my lower back spasms on many occasions, which has helped me considerably.

I find Shaun's Tui Na deep tissue massage very intense to start with at the beginning of the sessions but by the end very soothing and relaxing. I have never had a massage from anyone else that seems to penetrate as deep into my muscles and offer such relief from the pain of my back condition.

I continue to use Shaun's services to "keep my back right" and the muscles in the correct alignment. Shaun has developed a maintenance programme personalised to myself, which he carries out on a regular basis and this has given me the capacity to continue working as normal.

I have recommended Shaun to both female and male friends who have also gained significant improvements with their ailments and for this reason I would have no hesitation in recommending Shaun to anyone who has the need for his deep tissue massage treatment.

If you require any further endorsements, please do not hesitate to contact myself (through Shaun) and I would be happy to oblige.

Yours Sincerely
